First Month of Trading

So, we are finally up and running. As I’m sure a lot of people reading this will know, leaving the comfort of employment is a scary thing and on day one I would be lying if I didn’t say it was “scary”. We started with no rightmove or Zoopla being in place as the bank account took so long to set up and of course we couldn’t join rightmove or Zoopla until we had become members of the Ombudsmen scheme. We couldn’t join the Ombudsmen scheme until we had the correct insurance in place and so it went on. Anyway on the 13/1/21 we were up and running.

The journey so far has been liberating and I’m sure I speak for myself and Gary but for the first time in a Long time, we felt un-shackled from the corporate governance and instead of having decisions made about our local market place from a boardroom in some “Far,Far away Galaxy” we were now in the position to make the right choices for our clients and the market place we work in and not playing the “BIG BOYS” figure chasing game!!

As at the time of writing we have listed 15 properties, sold 1.27 million pounds worth of property and can honestly say everyone we have dealt with have been amazing.

I will post again in four weeks giving an update on the Latchamdowling journey and all the success and fun we have had along the way.

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